(Via Kitten Via Facebook)
1. What did you do in 2011 that you’d never done before? I went through two looking glasses, healed the seven shards of my soul, to the Darke Tower came (there and back again), succeeded at my quest to get a second job as a project manager, went to a rave, learned several stupid things not to do the hard way, had my soul crushed by professionals and got over it.
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Yes. And Yes.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Yes. My Sister, and she is quite golden.
4. Did anyone close to you die? No. But as I get older it is only a matter of time now.
5. What countries did you visit? Other countries? None. I could have gone to Canada but I forgot my @#$@#$ passport. However, I routinely visit other realities. Some of which are actually worth visiting.
6. What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011? Le Amor.
7. What dates from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? October 26, 2011, because that which is sacred was turned into profanity by pettiness, only to be saved by an exceptional friend. June 6th. Because. December 22nd, because I took unto myself a new name.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Finishing the Graphic Novel script.
9. What was your biggest failure? Falling a little too hard for a pretty smile that never meant it in the first place, and reaping the whirlwind for it.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? A broken collar bone.
11. What was the best thing you bought? My new duster. It rocketh. And it was cheap too. :)
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? The friends that learned to stand up for themselves a little more. The friends that experienced more joy. The family members that forgave and moved on.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? October 26nd. Still MY day no matter the efforts to taint it.
14. Where did most of your money go? Traffic bills.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Finally getting an idea for the 5th novel that I ACTUALLY want to write. Having a direction of where to go again. Having a plan to solve the gaping hole in my life.
16. What song will always remind you of 2011? Riding a Black Unicorn Down the Side of An Erupting Volcano Whilst Driving From a Chalice Filled With the Laughter of Small Children
17. Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter? (c) richer or poorer?
a) Happier. Barely. b) Slightly fatter since I have only just restarted exercise after a 3 month hiatus due to broken rib and unemployment. Slightly poorer but only just a little.
18. What do you wish you’d done more of? Reading, Dating, Bow Hunting (metaphorically speaking)
19. What do you wish you’d done less of? Buying raffle tickets, putting up with inane stupidity, letting myself be used.
20. How did you spend Christmas? In Atlanta with Family and Friends.
21. Did you fall in love in 2011? No. I had 2-3 serious crushes, but they never knew anything about it.
22. What was your favorite TV program? Breaking Bad.
23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? Hate the person? No. Hate the time I wasted with that person? Absolutely.
24. What was the best book you read? High Midnight. The Thousand Kingdoms. Feed.
25. What was your greatest musical discovery? Voltaire followed by the Sexual Side Effects followed by Elvis.
26. What did you want and get? 5 physical objects I set out as a goal. I got them all.
27. What did you want and not get? A permanent job. Sufficient enlightened experience.
28. What was your favorite film of this year? Kick Ass. Hugo.
29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? Nothing of consequence. Celebrated with family. 39.
30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Nothing, because the dark things opened doors to greater joy that would not have happened.
31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2011? Leather Quasi Fedora, black polished shoes, pressed blue jeans, button down vermillion red shirt, Leather Duster, Sun glasses.
32. What kept you sane? The occasional trip out of Atlanta and I had a little help from my friends and family.
33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? I like Julian Assange, even though he's kind of an arrogant prick.
34. What political issue stirred you the most? OWS
35. Who did you miss? The better question is who did I miss at the end of it, and the answer is...no one.
36. Who was the best new person you met? I have met a lot of rather interesting and fantastic people but I must say the most fascinating is Rob Mosca.
37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2011. If you cannot master yourself, you are a slave.
38. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
A little less conversation, a little more action please
All this aggravation ain't satisfactioning me
A little more bite and a little less bark
A little less fight and a little more spark
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
(Via Bernie via Facebook)
Note: I am not a secular humanist, though I share elements of its philosophy. If you are offended by treatise on such, this is not for you. On the other hand, it is an excellent treatise on ignorance, which is universal, regardless of one's philosophy.
It also does an excellent job of differentiating science and magic.
Note: I am not a secular humanist, though I share elements of its philosophy. If you are offended by treatise on such, this is not for you. On the other hand, it is an excellent treatise on ignorance, which is universal, regardless of one's philosophy.
It also does an excellent job of differentiating science and magic.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
(Stolen from Stephanie Adams via Facebook)
I stole this from Serella Savenko - to keep myself from falling out laughing at my desk.
*A Cow based Economics Lesson;
You have 2 cows.
You give one to your neighbor.
You have 2 cows.
The State takes both and gives you some milk.
You have 2 cows.
The State takes both and sells you some milk.
You have 2 cows.
The State takes both and shoots you.
You have 2 cows.
The State takes both, shoots one, milks the other, and then throws the milk away.
You have two cows.
You sell one and buy a bull.
Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows.
You sell them and retire on the income.
You have two cows.
You sell three of them to your publicly listed company, using letters of credit opened by your brother-in-law at the bank, then execute a debt/equity swap with an associated general offer so that you get all four cows back, with a tax exemption for five cows.
The milk rights of the six cows are transferred via an intermediary to a Cayman Island Company secretly owned by the majority shareholder who sells the rights to all seven cows back to your listed company.
The annual report says the company owns eight cows, with an option on one more.
You sell one cow to buy a new president of the United States , leaving you with nine cows.
No balance sheet provided with the release.
The public then buys your bull.
You have two giraffes.
The government requires you to take harmonica lessons.
You have two cows.
You sell one, and force the other to produce the milk of four cows.
Later, you hire a consultant to analyze why the cow has dropped dead.
You have two cows.
You go on strike, organize a riot, and block the roads, because you
want three cows.
You have two cows.
You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk.
You then create a clever cow cartoon image called a Cowkimona and market it worldwide.
You have two cows, but you don't know where they are.
You decide to have lunch.
You have 5000 cows. None of them belong to you.
You charge the owners for storing them.
You have two cows.
You have 300 people milking them.
You claim that you have full employment, and high bovine productivity.
You arrest the newsman who reported the real situation.
You have two cows.
You worship them.
You have two cows.
Both are mad.
Everyone thinks you have lots of cows.
You tell them that you have none.
No-one believes you, so they bomb the ** out of you and invade your country.
You still have no cows, but at least you are now a Democracy.
You have two cows.
Business seems pretty good.
You close the office and go for a few beers to celebrate.
You have two cows.
The one on the left looks very attractive.
Not economics-related, more cow-related, but I would add one:
You have two cows.
They are spherical and of uniform density.
I stole this from Serella Savenko - to keep myself from falling out laughing at my desk.
*A Cow based Economics Lesson;
You have 2 cows.
You give one to your neighbor.
You have 2 cows.
The State takes both and gives you some milk.
You have 2 cows.
The State takes both and sells you some milk.
You have 2 cows.
The State takes both and shoots you.
You have 2 cows.
The State takes both, shoots one, milks the other, and then throws the milk away.
You have two cows.
You sell one and buy a bull.
Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows.
You sell them and retire on the income.
You have two cows.
You sell three of them to your publicly listed company, using letters of credit opened by your brother-in-law at the bank, then execute a debt/equity swap with an associated general offer so that you get all four cows back, with a tax exemption for five cows.
The milk rights of the six cows are transferred via an intermediary to a Cayman Island Company secretly owned by the majority shareholder who sells the rights to all seven cows back to your listed company.
The annual report says the company owns eight cows, with an option on one more.
You sell one cow to buy a new president of the United States , leaving you with nine cows.
No balance sheet provided with the release.
The public then buys your bull.
You have two giraffes.
The government requires you to take harmonica lessons.
You have two cows.
You sell one, and force the other to produce the milk of four cows.
Later, you hire a consultant to analyze why the cow has dropped dead.
You have two cows.
You go on strike, organize a riot, and block the roads, because you
want three cows.
You have two cows.
You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk.
You then create a clever cow cartoon image called a Cowkimona and market it worldwide.
You have two cows, but you don't know where they are.
You decide to have lunch.
You have 5000 cows. None of them belong to you.
You charge the owners for storing them.
You have two cows.
You have 300 people milking them.
You claim that you have full employment, and high bovine productivity.
You arrest the newsman who reported the real situation.
You have two cows.
You worship them.
You have two cows.
Both are mad.
Everyone thinks you have lots of cows.
You tell them that you have none.
No-one believes you, so they bomb the ** out of you and invade your country.
You still have no cows, but at least you are now a Democracy.
You have two cows.
Business seems pretty good.
You close the office and go for a few beers to celebrate.
You have two cows.
The one on the left looks very attractive.
Not economics-related, more cow-related, but I would add one:
You have two cows.
They are spherical and of uniform density.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
176 Things I am thankful for.
1. Family.
2. Friends.
3. Love.
4. Hope.
5. Faith.
6. Magic.
7. Science.
8. Order.
9. Chaos.
10. Change.
11. Memory.
12. The future.
13. Science Fiction.
14. Fantasy.
15. Mountains.
16. Forests.
17. Rivers.
18. The ocean.
19. Oregon.
20. Atlanta.
21. A warm bed on a chilly morning.
22. Not having to go anywhere when its raining.
23. My car.
24. My driver's licence.
25. My heart.
26. My lungs.
27. My Green belt in Karate.
28. My talents.
29. The talents of those around me.
30. Genius.
31. Museums.
32. Leonardo da Vinci.
33. Edison.
34. Tesla.
35. Thomas Jefferson.
36. Albert Einstein.
37. Dwight W. Eisenhower.
38. FDR.
39. JFK.
40. Teddy Roosevelt.
41. Windmills.
42. Douglas Adams.
43. Sherlock Holmes.
44. The time I've had to write.
45. The time I've had to read.
46. Steam punk.
47. Dragon con.
48. Air.
49. Water.
50. The sun.
51. The moon.
52. The sky.
53. The stars.
54. The meteor that didn't hit us ending all life on earth.
55. Ninjas.
56. Pirates.
57. Robots.
58. Zombies.
59. Monkeys.
60. Lemurs.
61. Dogs.
62. Cats.
63. Dogs and Cats Living Together.
64. Mass Hysteria.
65. The ability to cause mass hysteria.
66. The ability not to cause mass hysteria.
67. The River Bottom Nightmare Band.
68. Dr. Who.
69. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.
70. Willy Wonka.
71. The Four Agreements.
72. His Needs, Her Needs.
73. The Dance of Anger.
74. Dairy Queen Soft Serve Chocolate and Cherry Dipped Ice Cream Cones.
75. Completing the 10 year email game of awesomeness that Byeard Maggot started.
76. Getting the Soapasians to the moon.
77. Dracula.
78. Count Chocula.
79. The Count.
80. Angel.
81. True Blood.
82. The Dresden Files.
83. That I haven't had to read Twilight.
84. That I can, if I want, read Twilight and not be struct down by blue bolts from the heavens.
85. The open highway.
86. Boulder, CO.
87. Littleton, CO.
88. The cool hidden world near the house we used to have in Colorado on the other side of the sewer pipe that no one seemed to know or care about.
89. Catonine Tails.
90. Snow!
91. Not having to deal with snow all the time.
92. Gravity.
93. The off button for the television when political news comes on.
94. Truth.
95. Honor.
96. Honesty.
97. Compassion.
98. People who try to make the world a better place.
99. People who try as hard as they can just to hang on.
100. People who honk at jerks on the freeway so I don't have to.
101. The Green Bay Packers.
102. My Masters.
103. The collaborative artistic endeavors I have been able to collaborate on.
104. The collaborative artistic endeavor I no longer have to collaborate on (You can probably guess. If you can't, don't worry about it....)
105. Wonderful moments while they lasted.
106. The healing balm of time.
107. Friends made where least expected.
108. Lessons learned.
109. Learning from other people's lessons.
110. The Muppets.
111. That I am not in love with Miss Piggy.
112. That if gravity reverses itself I really would be prepared.
113. Ditto Zombie Apocalypse.
114. Ditto Alien Invasion.
115. Ditto Infinity.
116. That there are cats in America and that the streets are not, in fact paved with cheese...or gold.
117. That if there is a heaven that all dogs go to it.
118. Poetry
119. Poetry in motion.
120. Aesthetically artistic members of the female persuasion doing that voodoo that they do so well.
121. French fries.
122. Advanced western medicine.
123. Humility.
124. The ability to admit when I am wrong.
125. Cereal.
126. Video Games.
127. Joss Whedon.
128. John Lassiter.
129. Jimmy Stewart.
130. Humphry Bogart.
131. Lauren Becall.
132. Gina Davis.
133. Madona (Yes. I know. I still like her music.)
134. Lady Gaga (I like her music too but I like how she pisses the right kind of people off more....)
135. Katanas.
136. The internets.
137. Teh internetz.
138. A series of tubes.
139. Facebook (despite the fact that it is run by @#$@#$@# morons...)
140. Blogs.
141. Podcasting.
142. The creative work of friends (I'm looking at you High Midnight.)
143. Howitzers.
144. Dynamite.
145. Anvils.
146. Grenades.
147. Sling shots.
148. Spaghetti.
149. Apples.
150. Apple Pie.
151. Apple Juice.
152. Apple Jacks.
153. Johnny Apple Seed.
153. Lasagna.
154. Vegetables.
155. Soup.
156. The fact that I like healthy food as much as I like crap.
157. The mute button.
158. The pause button.
159. Netflix. (Even if they have done some dumb things lately.)
160. Chainsaws.
161. God Mode.
162. God. (Even if I know Him as pretty different than you probably do.)
163. Freedom of Religion.
164. Freedom from Religion.
165. Fight Club.
166. Write Club.
167. Cavemen.
168. Cavewomen.
169. Not having to club women and drag them by the hair.
170. Women who think its kinky to be dragged by the hair.
171. People who do not think I'm strange because I can appreciate women who like weird kinky things.
172. People who look at me a little strange because I am grateful for people who do not look at me strangely because of stuff like that.
173. Llamas.
174. Ralph the Wonder Llama.
175. That the people responsible for that were sacked.
176. Crayons.
The list is infinite but I had to stop somewhere. :)
2. Friends.
3. Love.
4. Hope.
5. Faith.
6. Magic.
7. Science.
8. Order.
9. Chaos.
10. Change.
11. Memory.
12. The future.
13. Science Fiction.
14. Fantasy.
15. Mountains.
16. Forests.
17. Rivers.
18. The ocean.
19. Oregon.
20. Atlanta.
21. A warm bed on a chilly morning.
22. Not having to go anywhere when its raining.
23. My car.
24. My driver's licence.
25. My heart.
26. My lungs.
27. My Green belt in Karate.
28. My talents.
29. The talents of those around me.
30. Genius.
31. Museums.
32. Leonardo da Vinci.
33. Edison.
34. Tesla.
35. Thomas Jefferson.
36. Albert Einstein.
37. Dwight W. Eisenhower.
38. FDR.
39. JFK.
40. Teddy Roosevelt.
41. Windmills.
42. Douglas Adams.
43. Sherlock Holmes.
44. The time I've had to write.
45. The time I've had to read.
46. Steam punk.
47. Dragon con.
48. Air.
49. Water.
50. The sun.
51. The moon.
52. The sky.
53. The stars.
54. The meteor that didn't hit us ending all life on earth.
55. Ninjas.
56. Pirates.
57. Robots.
58. Zombies.
59. Monkeys.
60. Lemurs.
61. Dogs.
62. Cats.
63. Dogs and Cats Living Together.
64. Mass Hysteria.
65. The ability to cause mass hysteria.
66. The ability not to cause mass hysteria.
67. The River Bottom Nightmare Band.
68. Dr. Who.
69. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.
70. Willy Wonka.
71. The Four Agreements.
72. His Needs, Her Needs.
73. The Dance of Anger.
74. Dairy Queen Soft Serve Chocolate and Cherry Dipped Ice Cream Cones.
75. Completing the 10 year email game of awesomeness that Byeard Maggot started.
76. Getting the Soapasians to the moon.
77. Dracula.
78. Count Chocula.
79. The Count.
80. Angel.
81. True Blood.
82. The Dresden Files.
83. That I haven't had to read Twilight.
84. That I can, if I want, read Twilight and not be struct down by blue bolts from the heavens.
85. The open highway.
86. Boulder, CO.
87. Littleton, CO.
88. The cool hidden world near the house we used to have in Colorado on the other side of the sewer pipe that no one seemed to know or care about.
89. Catonine Tails.
90. Snow!
91. Not having to deal with snow all the time.
92. Gravity.
93. The off button for the television when political news comes on.
94. Truth.
95. Honor.
96. Honesty.
97. Compassion.
98. People who try to make the world a better place.
99. People who try as hard as they can just to hang on.
100. People who honk at jerks on the freeway so I don't have to.
101. The Green Bay Packers.
102. My Masters.
103. The collaborative artistic endeavors I have been able to collaborate on.
104. The collaborative artistic endeavor I no longer have to collaborate on (You can probably guess. If you can't, don't worry about it....)
105. Wonderful moments while they lasted.
106. The healing balm of time.
107. Friends made where least expected.
108. Lessons learned.
109. Learning from other people's lessons.
110. The Muppets.
111. That I am not in love with Miss Piggy.
112. That if gravity reverses itself I really would be prepared.
113. Ditto Zombie Apocalypse.
114. Ditto Alien Invasion.
115. Ditto Infinity.
116. That there are cats in America and that the streets are not, in fact paved with cheese...or gold.
117. That if there is a heaven that all dogs go to it.
118. Poetry
119. Poetry in motion.
120. Aesthetically artistic members of the female persuasion doing that voodoo that they do so well.
121. French fries.
122. Advanced western medicine.
123. Humility.
124. The ability to admit when I am wrong.
125. Cereal.
126. Video Games.
127. Joss Whedon.
128. John Lassiter.
129. Jimmy Stewart.
130. Humphry Bogart.
131. Lauren Becall.
132. Gina Davis.
133. Madona (Yes. I know. I still like her music.)
134. Lady Gaga (I like her music too but I like how she pisses the right kind of people off more....)
135. Katanas.
136. The internets.
137. Teh internetz.
138. A series of tubes.
139. Facebook (despite the fact that it is run by @#$@#$@# morons...)
140. Blogs.
141. Podcasting.
142. The creative work of friends (I'm looking at you High Midnight.)
143. Howitzers.
144. Dynamite.
145. Anvils.
146. Grenades.
147. Sling shots.
148. Spaghetti.
149. Apples.
150. Apple Pie.
151. Apple Juice.
152. Apple Jacks.
153. Johnny Apple Seed.
153. Lasagna.
154. Vegetables.
155. Soup.
156. The fact that I like healthy food as much as I like crap.
157. The mute button.
158. The pause button.
159. Netflix. (Even if they have done some dumb things lately.)
160. Chainsaws.
161. God Mode.
162. God. (Even if I know Him as pretty different than you probably do.)
163. Freedom of Religion.
164. Freedom from Religion.
165. Fight Club.
166. Write Club.
167. Cavemen.
168. Cavewomen.
169. Not having to club women and drag them by the hair.
170. Women who think its kinky to be dragged by the hair.
171. People who do not think I'm strange because I can appreciate women who like weird kinky things.
172. People who look at me a little strange because I am grateful for people who do not look at me strangely because of stuff like that.
173. Llamas.
174. Ralph the Wonder Llama.
175. That the people responsible for that were sacked.
176. Crayons.
The list is infinite but I had to stop somewhere. :)
Monday, November 7, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Oz Meme
(Via Carrie Via Facebook)
Wicked Witch: Skip Huffman
Cowardly Lion: Jason Holm
Representing the Lollipop guild: John Bridges
Good Witch of the North: Peg Thon
Tin Man: Jay Welin
Scarecrow: Melanie Lingerfelt
Winged Monkey: Christie Hilgenberg
Dorothy: Ed Glamkowski
Toto: Jimi Wilson
Wizard of Oz: Richard Ricks
Wicked Witch: Skip Huffman
Cowardly Lion: Jason Holm
Representing the Lollipop guild: John Bridges
Good Witch of the North: Peg Thon
Tin Man: Jay Welin
Scarecrow: Melanie Lingerfelt
Winged Monkey: Christie Hilgenberg
Dorothy: Ed Glamkowski
Toto: Jimi Wilson
Wizard of Oz: Richard Ricks
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Leet Speak
(Via Patrick Via Facebook)
7H15 M3554G3 53RV35 7O PR0V3 H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4N D0 4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5! 1MPR3551V3 7H1NG5! 1N 7H3 B3G1NN1NG 17 WA5 H4RD BU7 N0W, 0N 7H15 LIN3 Y0UR M1ND 1S R34D1NG 17 4U70M471C4LLY W17H0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17, B3 PROUD! 0NLY C34R741N P30PL3 C4N R3AD 7H15. R3 P057 1F U C4N R35D 7H15
7H15 M3554G3 53RV35 7O PR0V3 H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4N D0 4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5! 1MPR3551V3 7H1NG5! 1N 7H3 B3G1NN1NG 17 WA5 H4RD BU7 N0W, 0N 7H15 LIN3 Y0UR M1ND 1S R34D1NG 17 4U70M471C4LLY W17H0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17, B3 PROUD! 0NLY C34R741N P30PL3 C4N R3AD 7H15. R3 P057 1F U C4N R35D 7H15
(Via Ondie Via Facebook)
Your Mom is YOUR MOM. Nobody can replace her. Nobody should replace her. Nobody can do half the things she does or has done for you. Nobody can compare to her. Only God can love you more than she does. She’s only one person, but she’s the person that matters the most. REPOST IF YOU LOVE AND APPRECIATE YOUR MOM...no matter where she is, In Heaven or here on Earth.(repost from my friend Erin c.)
Your Mom is YOUR MOM. Nobody can replace her. Nobody should replace her. Nobody can do half the things she does or has done for you. Nobody can compare to her. Only God can love you more than she does. She’s only one person, but she’s the person that matters the most. REPOST IF YOU LOVE AND APPRECIATE YOUR MOM...no matter where she is, In Heaven or here on Earth.(repost from my friend Erin c.)
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Copenhagen Flash Mob Symphony thingy
(Via Amber via Facebook Via "Paduan" (whatever or whoever that is)
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Paste This
(Via Amber Via Facebook)
Please copy and paste this to your status if you are always asked to copy and paste something to your status by folks who copy and paste things to their status. Many people won't copy and paste this, but my true friends will copy and paste. Copied and pasted from a friend in need of more crap to copy and paste. Thank you for your support.
Please copy and paste this to your status if you are always asked to copy and paste something to your status by folks who copy and paste things to their status. Many people won't copy and paste this, but my true friends will copy and paste. Copied and pasted from a friend in need of more crap to copy and paste. Thank you for your support.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Year Meme
(Via Kitten Via Kevin Keippel Via Facebook)
Year I was given: 1984
My age: 12
I lived in: Denver, Colorado
Favorite movie: Star Wars Episode IV and The Last Star Fighter
Favorite artist: Leonardo Da Vinci because he made tanks and helicopters
Disliked: 3's Company because the stupid networks kept putting sci fi shows up against it that died a horrible death in ratings.
Favorite song: ..... er....it was er...um....the theme song from Rainbow Bright. I was a f*cking strange kid.
Like & I will give you a year.
*Edited to protect the innocent.
Year I was given: 1984
My age: 12
I lived in: Denver, Colorado
Favorite movie: Star Wars Episode IV and The Last Star Fighter
Favorite artist: Leonardo Da Vinci because he made tanks and helicopters
Disliked: 3's Company because the stupid networks kept putting sci fi shows up against it that died a horrible death in ratings.
Favorite song: ..... er....it was er...um....the theme song from Rainbow Bright. I was a f*cking strange kid.
Like & I will give you a year.
*Edited to protect the innocent.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
NPR Top 100 Sci Fi/Fantasy List
(via John Bridges via Facebook)
My score: 71.9/100. How many have you read? Bold their titles.
1. The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy, by J.R.R. Tolkien
2. The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, by Douglas Adams
3. Ender's Game, by Orson Scott Card
4. The Dune Chronicles, by Frank Herbert
5. A Song Of Ice And Fire Series, by George R. R. Martin
6. 1984, by George Orwell
7. Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury
8. The Foundation Trilogy, by Isaac Asimov
9. Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley
10. American Gods, by Neil Gaiman
11. The Princess Bride, by William Goldman
12. The Wheel Of Time Series, by Robert Jordan (Stopped half way through.)
13. Animal Farm, by George Orwell
14. Neuromancer, by William Gibson
15. Watchmen, by Alan Moore
16. I, Robot, by Isaac Asimov
17. Stranger In A Strange Land, by Robert Heinlein
18. The Kingkiller Chronicles, by Patrick Rothfuss
19. Slaughterhouse-Five, by Kurt Vonnegut
20. Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley
21. Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?, by Philip K. Dick
22. The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood
23. The Dark Tower Series, by Stephen King
24. 2001: A Space Odyssey, by Arthur C. Clarke
25. The Stand, by Stephen King
26. Snow Crash, by Neal Stephenson
27. The Martian Chronicles, by Ray Bradbury
28. Cat's Cradle, by Kurt Vonnegut
29. The Sandman Series, by Neil Gaiman
30. A Clockwork Orange, by Anthony Burgess
31. Starship Troopers, by Robert Heinlein
32. Watership Down, by Richard Adams
33. Dragonflight, by Anne McCaffrey
34. The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress, by Robert Heinlein
35. A Canticle For Leibowitz, by Walter M. Miller
36. The Time Machine, by H.G. Wells
37. 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, by Jules Verne
38. Flowers For Algernon, by Daniel Keys
39. The War Of The Worlds, by H.G. Wells
40. The Chronicles Of Amber, by Roger Zelazny
41. The Belgariad, by David Eddings
42. The Mists Of Avalon, by Marion Zimmer Bradley
43. The Mistborn Series, by Brandon Sanderson
44. Ringworld, by Larry Niven
45. The Left Hand Of Darkness, by Ursula K. LeGuin
46. The Silmarillion, by J.R.R. Tolkien
47. The Once And Future King, by T.H. White
48. Neverwhere, by Neil Gaiman
49. Childhood's End, by Arthur C. Clarke
50. Contact, by Carl Sagan
51. The Hyperion Cantos, by Dan Simmons
52. Stardust, by Neil Gaiman
53. Cryptonomicon, by Neal Stephenson
54. World War Z, by Max Brooks
55. The Last Unicorn, by Peter S. Beagle
56. The Forever War, by Joe Haldeman
57. Small Gods, by Terry Pratchett
58. The Chronicles Of Thomas Covenant, The Unbeliever, by Stephen R. Donaldson
59. The Vorkosigan Saga, by Lois McMaster Bujold
60. Going Postal, by Terry Pratchett
61. The Mote In God's Eye, by Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle
62. The Sword Of Truth, by Terry Goodkind
63. The Road, by Cormac McCarthy
64. Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, by Susanna Clarke
65. I Am Legend, by Richard Matheson
66. The Riftwar Saga, by Raymond E. Feist
67. The Shannara Trilogy, by Terry Brooks
68. The Conan The Barbarian Series, by R.E. Howard
69. The Farseer Trilogy, by Robin Hobb
70. The Time Traveler's Wife, by Audrey Niffenegger
71. The Way Of Kings, by Brandon Sanderson
72. A Journey To The Center Of The Earth, by Jules Verne
73. The Legend Of Drizzt Series, by R.A. Salvatore
74. Old Man's War, by John Scalzi
75. The Diamond Age, by Neil Stephenson
76. Rendezvous With Rama, by Arthur C. Clarke
77. The Kushiel's Legacy Series, by Jacqueline Carey
78. The Dispossessed, by Ursula K. LeGuin
79. Something Wicked This Way Comes, by Ray Bradbury
80. Wicked, by Gregory Maguire
81. The Malazan Book Of The Fallen Series, by Steven Erikson (2 of the 3…I didn’t care for the rest)
82. The Eyre Affair, by Jasper Fforde
83. The Culture Series, by Iain M. Banks
84. The Crystal Cave, by Mary Stewart
85. Anathem, by Neal Stephenson
86. The Codex Alera Series, by Jim Butcher
87. The Book Of The New Sun, by Gene Wolfe
88. The Thrawn Trilogy, by Timothy Zahn
89. The Outlander Series, by Diana Gabaldan
90. The Elric Saga, by Michael Moorcock (2 of)
91. The Illustrated Man, by Ray Bradbury
92. Sunshine, by Robin McKinley
93. A Fire Upon The Deep, by Vernor Vinge
94. The Caves Of Steel, by Isaac Asimov
95. The Mars Trilogy, by Kim Stanley Robinson (half of 1)
96. Lucifer's Hammer, by Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle
97. Doomsday Book, by Connie Willis
98. Perdido Street Station, by China Mieville
99. The Xanth Series, by Piers Anthony (I am counting reading the first #@$@#$ 15 as complete for this )
100. The Space Trilogy, by C.S. Lewis (1/2 of 1)
My score: 71.9/100. How many have you read? Bold their titles.
1. The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy, by J.R.R. Tolkien
2. The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, by Douglas Adams
3. Ender's Game, by Orson Scott Card
4. The Dune Chronicles, by Frank Herbert
5. A Song Of Ice And Fire Series, by George R. R. Martin
6. 1984, by George Orwell
7. Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury
8. The Foundation Trilogy, by Isaac Asimov
9. Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley
10. American Gods, by Neil Gaiman
11. The Princess Bride, by William Goldman
12. The Wheel Of Time Series, by Robert Jordan (Stopped half way through.)
13. Animal Farm, by George Orwell
14. Neuromancer, by William Gibson
15. Watchmen, by Alan Moore
16. I, Robot, by Isaac Asimov
17. Stranger In A Strange Land, by Robert Heinlein
18. The Kingkiller Chronicles, by Patrick Rothfuss
19. Slaughterhouse-Five, by Kurt Vonnegut
20. Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley
21. Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?, by Philip K. Dick
22. The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood
23. The Dark Tower Series, by Stephen King
24. 2001: A Space Odyssey, by Arthur C. Clarke
25. The Stand, by Stephen King
26. Snow Crash, by Neal Stephenson
27. The Martian Chronicles, by Ray Bradbury
28. Cat's Cradle, by Kurt Vonnegut
29. The Sandman Series, by Neil Gaiman
30. A Clockwork Orange, by Anthony Burgess
31. Starship Troopers, by Robert Heinlein
32. Watership Down, by Richard Adams
33. Dragonflight, by Anne McCaffrey
34. The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress, by Robert Heinlein
35. A Canticle For Leibowitz, by Walter M. Miller
36. The Time Machine, by H.G. Wells
37. 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, by Jules Verne
38. Flowers For Algernon, by Daniel Keys
39. The War Of The Worlds, by H.G. Wells
40. The Chronicles Of Amber, by Roger Zelazny
41. The Belgariad, by David Eddings
42. The Mists Of Avalon, by Marion Zimmer Bradley
43. The Mistborn Series, by Brandon Sanderson
44. Ringworld, by Larry Niven
45. The Left Hand Of Darkness, by Ursula K. LeGuin
46. The Silmarillion, by J.R.R. Tolkien
47. The Once And Future King, by T.H. White
48. Neverwhere, by Neil Gaiman
49. Childhood's End, by Arthur C. Clarke
50. Contact, by Carl Sagan
51. The Hyperion Cantos, by Dan Simmons
52. Stardust, by Neil Gaiman
53. Cryptonomicon, by Neal Stephenson
54. World War Z, by Max Brooks
55. The Last Unicorn, by Peter S. Beagle
56. The Forever War, by Joe Haldeman
57. Small Gods, by Terry Pratchett
58. The Chronicles Of Thomas Covenant, The Unbeliever, by Stephen R. Donaldson
59. The Vorkosigan Saga, by Lois McMaster Bujold
60. Going Postal, by Terry Pratchett
61. The Mote In God's Eye, by Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle
62. The Sword Of Truth, by Terry Goodkind
63. The Road, by Cormac McCarthy
64. Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, by Susanna Clarke
65. I Am Legend, by Richard Matheson
66. The Riftwar Saga, by Raymond E. Feist
67. The Shannara Trilogy, by Terry Brooks
68. The Conan The Barbarian Series, by R.E. Howard
69. The Farseer Trilogy, by Robin Hobb
70. The Time Traveler's Wife, by Audrey Niffenegger
71. The Way Of Kings, by Brandon Sanderson
72. A Journey To The Center Of The Earth, by Jules Verne
73. The Legend Of Drizzt Series, by R.A. Salvatore
74. Old Man's War, by John Scalzi
75. The Diamond Age, by Neil Stephenson
76. Rendezvous With Rama, by Arthur C. Clarke
77. The Kushiel's Legacy Series, by Jacqueline Carey
78. The Dispossessed, by Ursula K. LeGuin
79. Something Wicked This Way Comes, by Ray Bradbury
80. Wicked, by Gregory Maguire
81. The Malazan Book Of The Fallen Series, by Steven Erikson (2 of the 3…I didn’t care for the rest)
82. The Eyre Affair, by Jasper Fforde
83. The Culture Series, by Iain M. Banks
84. The Crystal Cave, by Mary Stewart
85. Anathem, by Neal Stephenson
86. The Codex Alera Series, by Jim Butcher
87. The Book Of The New Sun, by Gene Wolfe
88. The Thrawn Trilogy, by Timothy Zahn
89. The Outlander Series, by Diana Gabaldan
90. The Elric Saga, by Michael Moorcock (2 of)
91. The Illustrated Man, by Ray Bradbury
92. Sunshine, by Robin McKinley
93. A Fire Upon The Deep, by Vernor Vinge
94. The Caves Of Steel, by Isaac Asimov
95. The Mars Trilogy, by Kim Stanley Robinson (half of 1)
96. Lucifer's Hammer, by Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle
97. Doomsday Book, by Connie Willis
98. Perdido Street Station, by China Mieville
99. The Xanth Series, by Piers Anthony (I am counting reading the first #@$@#$ 15 as complete for this )
100. The Space Trilogy, by C.S. Lewis (1/2 of 1)
78 Lessons I've Learned
78 Lessons I’ve Learned
(Unsourced and from rote memory)
1. There is no substitute for hard work.
2. The sooner you stop complaining and start doing, the sooner the job gets done.
3. It is the squeaky wheel that gets oiled.
4. It is through small and simple things that the wise are confounded.
5. Wisdom and Humility are paths, not destinations. The instant you declare you either, you cease to be such.
6. The sum of one’s life upon death is formed in the relationships they have had over the course of their lives. All of the gold, toys or worldly achievements are nothing compared to family, friends and people who matter to each other.
7. Knowledge is power and with great power comes great responsibility.
8. Stop and smell the roses, for you will never receive another day that is today.
9. Make peace with your temporal self; forgive your past self and learn from it, and help your future self as long as it doesn’t harm your present self too much.
10. A combination of instinct, reason and patience can solve almost any problem.
11. It is foolish to discount the possibility that the supernatural might exist, because even if it doesn’t, a closed mind is an empty mind.
12. It is foolish to attribute to the supernatural, what can logically and reasonably be attributed to the natural.
13. You can learn a lot from the type of people someone surrounds themselves with.
14. The more convoluted the story, the more likely they are lying.
15. Almost nothing worth having is something that doesn’t require some form of sacrifice.
16. Sometimes you just need to let things go.
17. A journey is a powerful ritual, and can help you transform yourself. Whether metaphoric or actual.
18. Objective and Subjective reality are both important. Objective because the bullet will kill you no matter what your opinion of it, and subjective because in most ways you are the sole sure arbiter as to the worth of your life.
19. The degree to which you should have faith in something is directly proportional to the consistency of its behavior.
20. Humans are amazing creatures capable of astonishing glory, art, inspiration and kindness.
21. Humanity seems to have no limit to its greed, corruption, depravity and ruthlessness.
22. A person who tells you “No” is worth their weight in gold.
23. Know when to turn the damn phone off. Do it before asked.
24. Always follow up.
25. Make goals and complete them, make them realistic and yet make them high.
26. Forgiveness is vital for a healthy spiritual and emotional wellbeing. The more you forgive, the better off you are.
27. Don’t be a door mat, because people will happily wipe their feet all over you if you let them.
28. Pride cometh before the fall.
29. Gloating is stupid. Even if you can get away with it, when something happens later, you’ll blame it on the gloating.
30. Sometimes you need to know when to walk away. Not every battle needs to be won.
31. Never give up .
32. Always try to see the best that you can in someone. It helps you because it lifts your spirit, and it helps them because they can see what they can become in your eyes.
33. Always be prepared for the worst reasonable case scenario.
34. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
35. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
36. What you believe about the strength of Evil and its ability to affect you, says a lot about what you believe about God.
37. Those who use religion as an excuse for kindness are manifestly different in their entire state of being than those who use religion as an excuse to control or intimidate. Learning to spot the difference helps reveal a lot about people.
38. Watching how someone plays a game, especially multiple games over time, tells you a lot about a person.
39. Watching a person’s body language says a lot about a person.
40. Learning a wide range of subjects creates a synergy of knowledge which can be applied in multiple fields.
41. Treat every parting as if it were your last and you will seldom regret it, especially with those you care for most.
42. The more doors you knock, the more offers you take, the more new things you try, the less you have to ask yourself, ‘What could have been.’
43. Appreciate what you have when you have it, for it can always be taken away.
44. You are only able to control your circumstances so much. There will always be something bigger out there.
45. You can control more of your circumstances than you think you can. There is almost always a way if you want it enough.
46. One of the most valuable skills one can acquire in life is knowing how to gauge the price they are truly willing to pay for something.
47. You can learn a lot about a person based on how they treat waiters, bartenders, valets and such.
48. You can learn a lot about someone based on how they act around someone famous.
49. Famous people are really generally just people too.
50. Fame is a drug more powerful than any other, and once tasted, people will often do almost anything to retain it.
51. Sometimes, no matter how much you try to salvage a relationship, it cannot be salvaged.
52. The amount of pain in a betrayal is directly proportional to the amount you love them.
53. The quicker you can get over yourself, the quicker you can get up and move on.
54. There is no substitute for experience. Most times you have to do a thing to learn a thing.
55. You are not immortal.
56. How you feel and react when faced with death is a very good indicator of how you are living your life.
57. If you are lucky enough to have a miracle occur in your life, appreciate it for what it is, and let it change you, otherwise what was the point?
58. Remember.
59. A society is best judged by how it treats its artists, its elderly and its children.
60. A culture is best judged by how it treats people who are not members of that culture.
61. The more irrational and tyrannical a government acts, the weaker it truly is.
62. Never bet or invest what you cannot afford to lose.
63. Save, for there will always be an emergency.
64. Failure to enjoy at least some of what you earn makes work an absolute drudgery.
65. Children will remember what you say for a very long time.
66. Weddings are a crucible in a relationship. Grudges and happy memories done in those moments can last for literally decades to come. Be on your best behavior.
67. There is no harm in asking for directions.
68. There is no satisfaction quite like doing it yourself.
69. Having at least some knowledge of popular television shows as well as sports greatly helps with small talk.
70. Respect what people do. Almost no job is worthless.
71. You can learn wisdom from anyone or anything or any place.
72. Listening is a skill to be cultivated and practiced.
73. Expect the unexpected.
74. Anyone who says that there are no new things under the sun is lying and will be proved wrong. There will always be boundaries of the unknown.
75. Those who fail to learn history are doomed to be repeat it.
76. A habit can be acquired by repeating something for about a month, which is how long your body takes to put it in auto pilot.
77. There is no substitute for physical exercise for your health.
78. Sometimes it is truly worth it NOT to eat something even if you waste the money.
(Unsourced and from rote memory)
1. There is no substitute for hard work.
2. The sooner you stop complaining and start doing, the sooner the job gets done.
3. It is the squeaky wheel that gets oiled.
4. It is through small and simple things that the wise are confounded.
5. Wisdom and Humility are paths, not destinations. The instant you declare you either, you cease to be such.
6. The sum of one’s life upon death is formed in the relationships they have had over the course of their lives. All of the gold, toys or worldly achievements are nothing compared to family, friends and people who matter to each other.
7. Knowledge is power and with great power comes great responsibility.
8. Stop and smell the roses, for you will never receive another day that is today.
9. Make peace with your temporal self; forgive your past self and learn from it, and help your future self as long as it doesn’t harm your present self too much.
10. A combination of instinct, reason and patience can solve almost any problem.
11. It is foolish to discount the possibility that the supernatural might exist, because even if it doesn’t, a closed mind is an empty mind.
12. It is foolish to attribute to the supernatural, what can logically and reasonably be attributed to the natural.
13. You can learn a lot from the type of people someone surrounds themselves with.
14. The more convoluted the story, the more likely they are lying.
15. Almost nothing worth having is something that doesn’t require some form of sacrifice.
16. Sometimes you just need to let things go.
17. A journey is a powerful ritual, and can help you transform yourself. Whether metaphoric or actual.
18. Objective and Subjective reality are both important. Objective because the bullet will kill you no matter what your opinion of it, and subjective because in most ways you are the sole sure arbiter as to the worth of your life.
19. The degree to which you should have faith in something is directly proportional to the consistency of its behavior.
20. Humans are amazing creatures capable of astonishing glory, art, inspiration and kindness.
21. Humanity seems to have no limit to its greed, corruption, depravity and ruthlessness.
22. A person who tells you “No” is worth their weight in gold.
23. Know when to turn the damn phone off. Do it before asked.
24. Always follow up.
25. Make goals and complete them, make them realistic and yet make them high.
26. Forgiveness is vital for a healthy spiritual and emotional wellbeing. The more you forgive, the better off you are.
27. Don’t be a door mat, because people will happily wipe their feet all over you if you let them.
28. Pride cometh before the fall.
29. Gloating is stupid. Even if you can get away with it, when something happens later, you’ll blame it on the gloating.
30. Sometimes you need to know when to walk away. Not every battle needs to be won.
31. Never give up .
32. Always try to see the best that you can in someone. It helps you because it lifts your spirit, and it helps them because they can see what they can become in your eyes.
33. Always be prepared for the worst reasonable case scenario.
34. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
35. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
36. What you believe about the strength of Evil and its ability to affect you, says a lot about what you believe about God.
37. Those who use religion as an excuse for kindness are manifestly different in their entire state of being than those who use religion as an excuse to control or intimidate. Learning to spot the difference helps reveal a lot about people.
38. Watching how someone plays a game, especially multiple games over time, tells you a lot about a person.
39. Watching a person’s body language says a lot about a person.
40. Learning a wide range of subjects creates a synergy of knowledge which can be applied in multiple fields.
41. Treat every parting as if it were your last and you will seldom regret it, especially with those you care for most.
42. The more doors you knock, the more offers you take, the more new things you try, the less you have to ask yourself, ‘What could have been.’
43. Appreciate what you have when you have it, for it can always be taken away.
44. You are only able to control your circumstances so much. There will always be something bigger out there.
45. You can control more of your circumstances than you think you can. There is almost always a way if you want it enough.
46. One of the most valuable skills one can acquire in life is knowing how to gauge the price they are truly willing to pay for something.
47. You can learn a lot about a person based on how they treat waiters, bartenders, valets and such.
48. You can learn a lot about someone based on how they act around someone famous.
49. Famous people are really generally just people too.
50. Fame is a drug more powerful than any other, and once tasted, people will often do almost anything to retain it.
51. Sometimes, no matter how much you try to salvage a relationship, it cannot be salvaged.
52. The amount of pain in a betrayal is directly proportional to the amount you love them.
53. The quicker you can get over yourself, the quicker you can get up and move on.
54. There is no substitute for experience. Most times you have to do a thing to learn a thing.
55. You are not immortal.
56. How you feel and react when faced with death is a very good indicator of how you are living your life.
57. If you are lucky enough to have a miracle occur in your life, appreciate it for what it is, and let it change you, otherwise what was the point?
58. Remember.
59. A society is best judged by how it treats its artists, its elderly and its children.
60. A culture is best judged by how it treats people who are not members of that culture.
61. The more irrational and tyrannical a government acts, the weaker it truly is.
62. Never bet or invest what you cannot afford to lose.
63. Save, for there will always be an emergency.
64. Failure to enjoy at least some of what you earn makes work an absolute drudgery.
65. Children will remember what you say for a very long time.
66. Weddings are a crucible in a relationship. Grudges and happy memories done in those moments can last for literally decades to come. Be on your best behavior.
67. There is no harm in asking for directions.
68. There is no satisfaction quite like doing it yourself.
69. Having at least some knowledge of popular television shows as well as sports greatly helps with small talk.
70. Respect what people do. Almost no job is worthless.
71. You can learn wisdom from anyone or anything or any place.
72. Listening is a skill to be cultivated and practiced.
73. Expect the unexpected.
74. Anyone who says that there are no new things under the sun is lying and will be proved wrong. There will always be boundaries of the unknown.
75. Those who fail to learn history are doomed to be repeat it.
76. A habit can be acquired by repeating something for about a month, which is how long your body takes to put it in auto pilot.
77. There is no substitute for physical exercise for your health.
78. Sometimes it is truly worth it NOT to eat something even if you waste the money.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Super Hero Meme
(Via Kitten via Facebook)
Go to your profile and look at your friends on the left side.
1st person is your sidekick: Christi Hilgenberg (Very competent and easy on the eyes)
2nd person tries to expose your secret identity:Kiṯṯen McCreery (Annoying telling and seeking of truth perhaps. Those people always tell you things you don't want to hear ;) )
3rd person is your team mate: David Eison.(I'm not sure what his powers are, but they would be wielded with humilty and competence)
4th person is your arch nemesis: Lisa Stock (Given her relationship with Mr. Gaiman this is disturbing to say the least if given access to the Sandman cabinet...)
5th person is your love interest: Sergey Zhiganov (Denied. :) But a drinking buddy to FIND said love interest to be sure....)
Go to your profile and look at your friends on the left side.
1st person is your sidekick: Christi Hilgenberg (Very competent and easy on the eyes)
2nd person tries to expose your secret identity:Kiṯṯen McCreery (Annoying telling and seeking of truth perhaps. Those people always tell you things you don't want to hear ;) )
3rd person is your team mate: David Eison.(I'm not sure what his powers are, but they would be wielded with humilty and competence)
4th person is your arch nemesis: Lisa Stock (Given her relationship with Mr. Gaiman this is disturbing to say the least if given access to the Sandman cabinet...)
5th person is your love interest: Sergey Zhiganov (Denied. :) But a drinking buddy to FIND said love interest to be sure....)
Memorial to the Fallen Seal Team
(Via Peg Thon and Mellisa Godbey Miller via Facebook)
~31 lost
-31 unwanted visits
-31 doors receive that dreaded knock
-31 families with shattered hearts
-31 pairs of boots lined up with rifles and dog tags and helmets
-31 comrades remembered and grieved for, 31 funeral services
-31 names on newly made grave markers
-31 empty places at the table
-31 souls who gave all, whose lives leave a void, so let's take 31 seconds to re-post this and pause to reflect on such a sacrifice as 31 gone forever
~31 lost
-31 unwanted visits
-31 doors receive that dreaded knock
-31 families with shattered hearts
-31 pairs of boots lined up with rifles and dog tags and helmets
-31 comrades remembered and grieved for, 31 funeral services
-31 names on newly made grave markers
-31 empty places at the table
-31 souls who gave all, whose lives leave a void, so let's take 31 seconds to re-post this and pause to reflect on such a sacrifice as 31 gone forever
Friday, August 5, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
Meme I Started - 100 Things I Love About America
(Via Me Via Facebook)
100 Things I Love About America:
1) The Statue of Liberty
2) Root Beer
3) The Star Spangled Banner
4) If you are born here, you become a citizen.
5) The Interstate Highway System
6) We invented the Internet.
7) We invented Television.
8) We invented Movies.
9) We invented Powered Flight.
10) We landed on the moon.
11) The Berlin Airlift.
12) The Marshal Plan.
13) The Bush initiative to supply AIDS aid to Africa.
14) Times Square
15) The Grand Canyon
16) Mount Rushmore
17) The Rocky Mountains
18) New York City
19) California
20) Southern Hospitality
21) Disneyworld
22) The Superbowl
23) Johnny Appleseed
24) Paul Bunyon
25) The Tuskegee Airmen (not what was done to them)
26) The 442nd Regimental Combat Team/100th Infantry Battalion
27) Martin Luther King
28) Thomas Jefferson
29) Benjamin Franklin
30) George Washington
31) Nikolai Tesla
32) Albert Einstein
33) Dweight D. Eisenhower
34) Teddy Roosevelt
35) Apple
36) Google
37) Silicon Valley
38) The Homestead Act
39) Seagull Monument
40) The Florida Keys
41) Triple Covered Smothered Hashbrowns at Wafflehouse
42) Elvis
43) Billy Joel
44) Lady Gaga
45) Star Trek
46) Star Wars
47) Steam
48) High Noon
49) Rock and Roll
50) America the Beautiful
51) Yellowstone National Park
52) The Tetons
53) Appalachian National Park
54) Jambolia
55) Swing Music
56) Navy SEALS
57) The United States Military
58) Perry Mason
59) Angry Birds
60) The Three Stooges
61) Adam Sandler
62) Pixar
63) Sequoia National Forest
64) Sequoia
65) Ernest Hemingway
66) Superman
67) Batman
68) Spiderman
69) Craig Fergeson
70) Hot Dogs
71) The Dresden Files
72) Jim Henson
73) Walt Disney
74) Boulder Colorado
75) San Francisco
76) Ashville, NC
77) The Fourth of July in the Square in Decatur, GA
78) St. George, UT
79) Philmont, NM
80) Roy Rogers
81) John Wayne
82) Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
83) Its a Wonderful Life
84) Jimmy Stewart
85) Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson
86) Dungeons and Dragons
87) Elliot Ness
88) Thomas Drake (the whistleblower not my alias)
89) Woodward and Bernstein
90) Upton Sinclair
91) Mythbusters
92) The Peace Corps
93) The United States Postal Service
94) The US Coast Goard
95) The Alamo
96) The Golden Gate Bridge
97) John Brown
98) Abraham Lincoln
99) Devil's Tower
100) The fact that it is my country. There is no feeling in the world like coming back to the place you call home despite all of the problems or flaws it may have.
If you like this, make your own list. Pass it on.
100 Things I Love About America:
1) The Statue of Liberty
2) Root Beer
3) The Star Spangled Banner
4) If you are born here, you become a citizen.
5) The Interstate Highway System
6) We invented the Internet.
7) We invented Television.
8) We invented Movies.
9) We invented Powered Flight.
10) We landed on the moon.
11) The Berlin Airlift.
12) The Marshal Plan.
13) The Bush initiative to supply AIDS aid to Africa.
14) Times Square
15) The Grand Canyon
16) Mount Rushmore
17) The Rocky Mountains
18) New York City
19) California
20) Southern Hospitality
21) Disneyworld
22) The Superbowl
23) Johnny Appleseed
24) Paul Bunyon
25) The Tuskegee Airmen (not what was done to them)
26) The 442nd Regimental Combat Team/100th Infantry Battalion
27) Martin Luther King
28) Thomas Jefferson
29) Benjamin Franklin
30) George Washington
31) Nikolai Tesla
32) Albert Einstein
33) Dweight D. Eisenhower
34) Teddy Roosevelt
35) Apple
36) Google
37) Silicon Valley
38) The Homestead Act
39) Seagull Monument
40) The Florida Keys
41) Triple Covered Smothered Hashbrowns at Wafflehouse
42) Elvis
43) Billy Joel
44) Lady Gaga
45) Star Trek
46) Star Wars
47) Steam
48) High Noon
49) Rock and Roll
50) America the Beautiful
51) Yellowstone National Park
52) The Tetons
53) Appalachian National Park
54) Jambolia
55) Swing Music
56) Navy SEALS
57) The United States Military
58) Perry Mason
59) Angry Birds
60) The Three Stooges
61) Adam Sandler
62) Pixar
63) Sequoia National Forest
64) Sequoia
65) Ernest Hemingway
66) Superman
67) Batman
68) Spiderman
69) Craig Fergeson
70) Hot Dogs
71) The Dresden Files
72) Jim Henson
73) Walt Disney
74) Boulder Colorado
75) San Francisco
76) Ashville, NC
77) The Fourth of July in the Square in Decatur, GA
78) St. George, UT
79) Philmont, NM
80) Roy Rogers
81) John Wayne
82) Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
83) Its a Wonderful Life
84) Jimmy Stewart
85) Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson
86) Dungeons and Dragons
87) Elliot Ness
88) Thomas Drake (the whistleblower not my alias)
89) Woodward and Bernstein
90) Upton Sinclair
91) Mythbusters
92) The Peace Corps
93) The United States Postal Service
94) The US Coast Goard
95) The Alamo
96) The Golden Gate Bridge
97) John Brown
98) Abraham Lincoln
99) Devil's Tower
100) The fact that it is my country. There is no feeling in the world like coming back to the place you call home despite all of the problems or flaws it may have.
If you like this, make your own list. Pass it on.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
"I have a personal reason for asking if everyone could put this as their status for 1 hour. I'm pretty sure I know the names of those who will. Think of Someone you know who has or has had cancer, or someone you lost from Cancer. My wish is that in 2011 they will find a cure. Will you post this for one hour in honor of those Who have fought or are fighting cancer? I hope to see it in your status."
Sunday, June 26, 2011
(Via Melanie Lingerfelt via Facebook)
It has been said that everlasting friends go long periods of time without speaking and never question the friendship. These friends pick up like they just spoke yesterday, regardless of how long it has been or how far away they live, and they don't hold grudges. They understand that life is busy and…you will ALWAYS love them. Re-post if you have at least 1 of these friends!
It has been said that everlasting friends go long periods of time without speaking and never question the friendship. These friends pick up like they just spoke yesterday, regardless of how long it has been or how far away they live, and they don't hold grudges. They understand that life is busy and…you will ALWAYS love them. Re-post if you have at least 1 of these friends!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
(Via Stephanie Albritton via Facebook)
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Reptile Brain Test
(Via Kitten Via Facebook)
Link to the Test
Thoughtful to the extreme, you are often obsessed with perfection and the rules governing your own personal interests. Your world is black and white. You love to work within a logical system, such as language, computer programming, or mathematics. Manipulating a system that can be completely understood is a distinct pleasure to you, because of your confidence in the underlying veracity of your belief system. Because of your appreciation for logic and order, those who speak or think in a sloppy manner are apt to generate more than their share of wrath. Although very amiable, you are not drawn to friendships out of a sense of personal need. You are just as happy by yourself with a good book or puzzle. Because you are so involved with thought, you will on occasion have difficulty dealing with the day-to-day problems of a normal life. Taking out the trash, doing the dishes, these are often left until the last possible moment, if at all.
My analysis of their analysis: This is only truthful with an aspect of my personality via learned behavior. My natural instinct is still quite spontaneous, but after a sufficient amount of burn, yes, I am extremely thoughtful by nature, but the organized systems with which I enjoy working are seemingly chaotic musings of society, humanity and metaphysics. I'm hardly the spelling or grammarian spelling nazi. And ask a developer...I'm not a developer. :)
Link to the Test
Thoughtful to the extreme, you are often obsessed with perfection and the rules governing your own personal interests. Your world is black and white. You love to work within a logical system, such as language, computer programming, or mathematics. Manipulating a system that can be completely understood is a distinct pleasure to you, because of your confidence in the underlying veracity of your belief system. Because of your appreciation for logic and order, those who speak or think in a sloppy manner are apt to generate more than their share of wrath. Although very amiable, you are not drawn to friendships out of a sense of personal need. You are just as happy by yourself with a good book or puzzle. Because you are so involved with thought, you will on occasion have difficulty dealing with the day-to-day problems of a normal life. Taking out the trash, doing the dishes, these are often left until the last possible moment, if at all.
My analysis of their analysis: This is only truthful with an aspect of my personality via learned behavior. My natural instinct is still quite spontaneous, but after a sufficient amount of burn, yes, I am extremely thoughtful by nature, but the organized systems with which I enjoy working are seemingly chaotic musings of society, humanity and metaphysics. I'm hardly the spelling or grammarian spelling nazi. And ask a developer...I'm not a developer. :)
Monday, May 2, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Nut Job
(Via Kitten via Mom via Facebook)
LET'S SEE WHO TRULY READS MY STATUS: You and I wake up in a PSYCHIATRIC WARD together. USING FOUR WORDS ... What would you say to me? NOTE: IF you comment, YOU MUST COPY and PASTE this to YOUR STATUS so I may comment on yours as well. Be a good egg and play along. (4 words is harder than you think) ;D
LET'S SEE WHO TRULY READS MY STATUS: You and I wake up in a PSYCHIATRIC WARD together. USING FOUR WORDS ... What would you say to me? NOTE: IF you comment, YOU MUST COPY and PASTE this to YOUR STATUS so I may comment on yours as well. Be a good egg and play along. (4 words is harder than you think) ;D
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Perform this Way
(It should be noted on a later update that Lady Gaga did in fact approve of the song....People are strange.)
Monday, April 18, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Gibberish Except Not
Via Candler Via Facebook
India foxtrot yankee oscar uniform charlie alpha november uniform november delta echo romeo sierra tango alpha november delta tango hotel india sierra charlie oscar papa yankee alpha november delta papa alpha sierra tango echo tango oscar yankee oscar uniform romeo sierra tango alpha tango uniform sierra (in honor of our military wherever they may be) -let's see who gets it and follows the instructions
India foxtrot yankee oscar uniform charlie alpha november uniform november delta echo romeo sierra tango alpha november delta tango hotel india sierra charlie oscar papa yankee alpha november delta papa alpha sierra tango echo tango oscar yankee oscar uniform romeo sierra tango alpha tango uniform sierra (in honor of our military wherever they may be) -let's see who gets it and follows the instructions
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Would You Survive the Zombie Apocalypse
(via Chandler via Facebook)
The meme: "Go to your profile. The top 5 friends that are in the sidebar are now your team in the upcoming Zombie Apocalypse. Will you survive?"
Friends: Illustrious Miss Kitten, Bill Maxwell, Jeannette Ricks Hunt, Greg Ricks, Robert Berris.
We're assuming that the team is united by circumstances at the start of this crisis since if it involved linking up the answer would be 'no' since they are all literally thousands of miles apart from each other.
Liabilities: Everyone on this list has loved ones that they would want to secure. Furthermore, the priorities of such would more than likely cause serious concerns about the long term cohesion of the group since everyone would eventually like to determine the fate of/help their loved ones in various cities.
That as I see it is the only major liability.
Psychological Stability: All of the the group pass the 'shock' test IMHO of actually seeing dead people running around and would be able to act accordingly.
Social Cohesion: I have worked collaboratively with everyone on the group, and can easily state that everyone involved would, for the short term at the least, be able to work together.
Skill Set: The skill sets on the list are quite impressive, both from a practical side (including a nurse and an engineer) but from a metaphysical/lore side since everyone involved has seen zombie movies and knows how to deal with virtually zombie situation.
Combat Capability: Not everyone is created even here, but I'm quite sure that those that HAVEN'T used a shot gun could pick up the skill quite fast.
In short, for at least the initial blast 48-72 hours, I put the odds of this team surviving the Zombie Apocalypse at 100%.
The meme: "Go to your profile. The top 5 friends that are in the sidebar are now your team in the upcoming Zombie Apocalypse. Will you survive?"
Friends: Illustrious Miss Kitten, Bill Maxwell, Jeannette Ricks Hunt, Greg Ricks, Robert Berris.
We're assuming that the team is united by circumstances at the start of this crisis since if it involved linking up the answer would be 'no' since they are all literally thousands of miles apart from each other.
Liabilities: Everyone on this list has loved ones that they would want to secure. Furthermore, the priorities of such would more than likely cause serious concerns about the long term cohesion of the group since everyone would eventually like to determine the fate of/help their loved ones in various cities.
That as I see it is the only major liability.
Psychological Stability: All of the the group pass the 'shock' test IMHO of actually seeing dead people running around and would be able to act accordingly.
Social Cohesion: I have worked collaboratively with everyone on the group, and can easily state that everyone involved would, for the short term at the least, be able to work together.
Skill Set: The skill sets on the list are quite impressive, both from a practical side (including a nurse and an engineer) but from a metaphysical/lore side since everyone involved has seen zombie movies and knows how to deal with virtually zombie situation.
Combat Capability: Not everyone is created even here, but I'm quite sure that those that HAVEN'T used a shot gun could pick up the skill quite fast.
In short, for at least the initial blast 48-72 hours, I put the odds of this team surviving the Zombie Apocalypse at 100%.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
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